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Looking at a serie that impacted me from the beginning: Fullmetal Alchemist and thinking in: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us (…), that we may follow all the words of this law. (Deuteronomy. 29:29)”…I want to share some thoughts:
There are much things that are "secrets" or unknown to man, for example: the creation of human life, for that the wise king Solomon said: "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Ecclesiastes 11:5". In that order of ideas, the land of the creation of life, belongs to God, and he who tries to tread that land, will have to assume the consequences of "invading a private property"
In the serie, they name the chemical elements that compose a human body (Water, carbon, ammonium, etc.), the necessary to "fabricate humans", but it is not possible to create a perfect human, even with all the knowledge, that is something impossible to man. For example, in the first episode when Edward and Alphonse tried to recreate her mom, they obtained an incomplete and misshapen being. On the contrary, when looking at reality in general babies are born in good physic conditions, although there is also cases of disability and incapacity. But there is one important thing, and a common factor in all men: All own an irreplaceable soul (the essence of the being, the firm or seal of its Creator.), something that man will never be able to create.
As in the case of Toker the "Alchemist of life", who tries to create alike beings to his daughter Nina, but they do not have consciousness nor soul (the essence of life) "Alchemy is a science, and it must be subjected to the laws of nature" "Man cannot gain anything, without giving something first in exchange, to create something of same value it must get lost" (of same value, material, etc.) "God is the only one that has created Everything from Nothing." But we human beings are not God, our knowledge and power is limited. We can't create a toy or a house if we don't start from wood or other base material; that is what means ‘to be subjected to the laws of nature’. This is only a personal reflection that I've had time ago and that, has made me see more clearly the greatness of the power and the surpassing of the essence of a Creator who has deposited his Spirit in me, He has given me something unique and irreplaceable: a soul and a hope of eternal life for it.
(Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7). Only God can make us living beings (physically and spiritually). ^^
I finish with one of my favorite quotes (from Latin dub) ^^ (It’s a beautiful hope):
“The ones who live have received an Indestructible soul, to the ones who die it is conceded resurrection, the proof is in the miracles of God” -Alphonse Elric-
