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Do you remember Izumi, the alquemist who was teacher of Edward and Alphonse Elric? In this case, she tried to bring her dead baby back to life. Namely, she tried to create life, (to be like the Creator God) but her attempt failed and the consequences were not long in coming: As a result she obtained a kind of monster, and as a payment (equivalent exchange) the extraction of the necessary organs to be able to have a child again.
It is a physical and emotional consequence, really shocking to who experiences it. (Something similar to aborts nowadays with suction methods, that in many cases, they sterilize, infect or destroy physically to woman who decides to abort)
This remembers me an experience of King David, in that story it is talked of the occasion when David sinned with Bathsheba the wife of Uriah and she got pregnant.
David recognized his sin, and God forgave him, but there was ‘permanent consequences’ for his bad decisions: The baby borne by that adulterous relationship died.
“…And Nathan said to David, “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord, the child who is born to you shall die.” 2 Samuel 12: 13-14 (ESV)
(You can know more details by reading 2 Samuel chapter 12 ^^)
My point is, "Although our repentance receives the forgiveness of God, He won't leave us to take lightly our mistakes. For that, there will ALWAYS be consequences." Like in equivalent exchange law, we will receive something [good or bad] in exchange for what we decide to do or say every day.
It is also good to apply this point to Every decision that we take, sometimes, believing that we have a right over the body that God has given to us, over other lives or when we think to be very wise, ignoring God, acting with pride or without reverence to Him. Remember: Sooner or later, we'll receive permanent consequences as a payment for our rebelliousness or insane curiosity, on the contrary case, it'll also come a reward or a ‘Favorable Consequence’.
If you found helpful to read this opinion, I hope you not to take it lightly and you can ponder a bit in the decisions that you have taken and the ones that you are going to take in future, for you to act in time, with prudence and wisdom, before the consequences reminds you that you've taken a wrong decision. (I say it by own experience: "What we sow, we will reap" Remember it, please!)
¡Blessings! ^^
